Hays Youth Baseball and Softball Association

HYBSA Sponsorship Registration


Welcome to the Sponsorship Registration with HYBSA!

This registration session will allow you to complete contact information, sign up for sponsorship, and submit payment.

Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately. 

To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa or MasterCard information available.

Letter from the HYBSA

Dear Community Leader, 


     Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the Hays Youth Baseball and Softball Association (HYBSA).  Your generosity makes it possible for our Hays County youth to participate in our nation’s greatest sports.  Baseball and softball provide an opportunity for children of all ages and abilities to come together as a team and have fun as they learn the games and strive for success.  HYBSA believes every child should have the opportunity to play and your support makes that possible by providing scholarships, uniforms and daily operations funding.  We are very thankful that our local “boys and girls of summer” are supported by dedicated community leaders such as you. 


     Established in 1983, HYBSA relies heavily on community sponsorship to offset operating expenses.  The attached sheet shows various amounts of sponsorship we ask you to consider.  Any amount of sponsorship helps and is appreciated so please do not feel locked into these suggested amounts.   


     Every sponsor receives a plaque and their name placed on our digital media sites.  We want you to feel like a part of the team, because you are!  


           Affiliated with the PONY International Baseball and Softball program, we are proud to be the hometown youth recreation ballpark for both Buda and Kyle.  PONY stands for “Protect Our Nation’s Youth” and your generous support enables us to provide a safe, fun, and exciting environment for our youth to enjoy America’s Pastime.   


     Our program is completely run by volunteers and by lessening the burden of constant fundraising you make it possible for our community moms and dads to focus on providing the players the best possible experience on the ball diamonds.  Our players range in age from 4 to 18, boys and girls, and we offer a program for players of all abilities, named the Champions League. 


     Living here in Hays County you know the Texas weather can be tough on outdoor facilities and coupled with a few hundred kids playing games almost every night, our fields and equipment get quite a workout and need continuous upkeep to give the players a safe and quality environment.  Community sponsors like you provide the resources needed to keep our ball fields ready to play! 


     Our complex is located on FM 2770 and we would love to give you a tour of the fields at your convenience.  Please review the attached sponsorship form and we hope that you will consider supporting your hometown youth baseball/softball program.   





Alfonso Garcia